statement of mission
Blue Deer Productions' philosophy can be summed up in the following sentence:
"our message is our medium"
Fans of the scholar/'metaphysician of media', Marshall McLuhan
will recognize it as a varaiation of his famous axiom:
'the medium is the message'.
Frank Zingrone & Eric McLuhan explain the paradox, 'the medium is the message,' by claiming that:

"The perception of reality now depends upon the structure of information. The form of each medium is associated with a different arrangement, or ratio, among the senses, which creates new forms of awareness. These perceptual transformations, the new ways of experiencing that each medium creates, occur in the user regardless of the program content."

With that being said it may be better understood why our company's entire statement of mission can be summed up in the sentence:
"our message is our medium"
The following is a list of the mediums (as opposed to a list of the content) that we exploit. We have also included a quote to describe each unique medium in order to demonstrate that we are aware of and have embraced the revoultionary character of each medium.

our mediums

digital video

"What I think is great about this technology [a technology that has revolutionized the recording of images and sound electronically, so that you and I, with much greater ease and lower, cost can simply go out and shoot a broadcast-quality movie] is that now everyone is capable of the same quality as everyone else. It really levels the playing field. It means that you better have something besides the capability of a digital camera and a digital editing system. It means you better have true talent as a writer, a director, an actor or whatever because that's really what's important. These terrible hacks producing crap product are finally gonna be left behind once and behind for all!"
-- Scooter McCrae  taken from:  Feature Filmmaking at Used-Car Prices: How to Write, Produce, Direct, Shoot, Edit, and Promote a Feature-Lenth Movie for Less Than $15,000 by Rick Schmidt


"Television is a new, hard test of our wisdom.  If we succeed in mastering the new medium it will enrich us.  But it can also put our mind to sleep."
-- Rudolph Arneheim  taken from:  A Forecast of Television first published in 1935


"cinema is neither an art nor a technique, but a mystery.  That's what differentiates it from painting, literature or music; all arts when undertaken by artists.  Cinema is close to a religion."
--Jean-Luc Godard taken from:  The Future of Cinema

internet (websites, podcasts)

"Gutenberg made everyone a reader. Xerox made everyone a publisher. The Internet will make everyone a satellite broadcaster to every other satellite broadcaster."
-- Bob Dobbs


Lastly, we point out that we endeavor to use this superior understanding regarding the nature of different mediums so as to exploit them for monetary gain.  Or, as some would say:  “to become filthy rich.”

Yes, we know some of you anti-capitalist socialist types will find this an atrocious statement but don't protest us like the anti-WTO-Neo-Hippies just yet...because we truly believe in Adam Smith's axiom, as explained in Wealth of Nations, that people working for their own gain are led as if “by an invisible hand,” to promote the public good.

And you anti-capitalist socialist types, with your inane assertions, such as “capitalism kills” and “capitalism causes the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer” ought to contemplate another of Adam Smith’s axioms from the Wealth of Nations.  So put down that sign supporting “Buy Nothing Day” and contemplate the fact that an individual:  “by pursuing his own interest…frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it.”

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