Legal Disclaimer
The existence of “God”, “Jesus”, “Heaven”, “Hell, the ”Holy Spirit“, the ”Devil“, ”Satan“,
etc., can not be proven, nor have they ever been proven by empirical mainstream science.
Furthermore, mainstream medical science has also proven that extreme Religiosity such as
that presented by Poplar Creek Church of God, Jesus, & the Holy Ghost, can sometimes
actually be harmful to a person’s mental and physical health. Furthermore and therefore,
any person, place, thing, concept, or idea presented in conjunction with Poplar Creek Church
of God, Jesus, & the Holy Ghost must be taken as complete fiction and presented for entertainment purposes only. The owner (i.e.: Blue Deer Productions, L.L.C.) of the Poplar Creek Church of
God, Jesus & the Holy Ghost franchise is not liable for any harm that may arise in the life of an
individual who fails to take the websites, podcasts, emails, books, movies, 'webisodes', blogs, etc,
of Poplar Creek Church of God, Jesus, & the Holy Ghost for entertainment purposes only.